10 days against the right
Für die letzten Tage vor der Wahl haben wir nochmal alle Kräfte in intensiven Aktionstagen gebündelt! Davor wurden 20 trainings for door-to-door conversations and 6 argumentation trainings against the far-right in Vienna, Linz and Graz. organisiert. Dutzende Menschen waren ganzen September unterwegs und sprachen mit Unentschlossenen oder unzufriedenen Protestwähler:innen. Gemeinsam können wir einen Unterschied machen!
Aktionstage von 20. bis 29. September – macht mit!

Our discussions so far have shown that there are an extremely large number of people who have not even considered voting. And many who are dissatisfied but are not right-wing.
Let’s motivate them to go to the polls on September 29th and together kick the FPÖ out of first place!
Our data shows which neighborhoods have the most potential. We have experience, prepared materials, and offer you a space for preparation and practice. Conversations at doorsteps, in parks, or on the street are therefore our most important activity during the campaign days, a good week before the election.
Personal conversations are an important factor in voting decisions. They can not only motivate undecided voters to vote and influence the distribution of seats in the next parliament. They are important for a future with a hyped-up FPÖ. Let's strengthen neighbourhood relationships, listen to people's concerns and discuss politics together! A solidary community can counteract right-wing tendencies in the long term.
This is why we need YOU and many others to become active with us. Ideally, you will attend a training session for door-to-door conversations beforehand, but if not, you can still take part and can also prepare for it on site.


Where do the action days take place?
Action days are planned in several cities. In Vienna there will be a central contact point for the first action weekend from September 21st to 22nd. We won't reveal exactly where yet ;). Register now and stay informed! Here you can find all the information for the other federal states.
What happens during the action days?
We are fully focusing on the areas in Vienna where there is a high proportion of non-voters or swing voters. We will not only be present there with door-to-door conversations, but also with many flyers (for mailboxes), door hangers, posters, stickers and other events. You can get involved with a wide variety of activities.
The first action weekend will take place from 21 to 22 September in Vienna. On these days we will be out and about all day, meeting up again and again and spreading out. There will be meeting points, material collection points, shared meals and exchanges. Take 1, 2 or 3 days to join many others in preventing the FPÖ from winning the election!
In the following days from 23 to 28 September we'll continue twice a day with short training sessions, discussions, flyer actions and much more! Join in and reserve a time slot now for the final spurt before the election!
Do I have to prepare?
Ideally, you should attend a training session for door-to-door conversations beforehand, but that is not a requirement. You can also just come along to the action weekend and take part in various activities.
For the conversation trainings, you can register here..
Are there places to sleep?
If you need a place to sleep in Vienna, send us an email to: wir-gegen-rechts(at)riseup.net. We will be happy to help you find a place to sleep.
Can I also just come by for 2 hours?
Sure, even if you only have a few hours, come along! Let us know when you have time when you register so that we can plan better.
How can I help?
Register now to help us prepare! Do you think the action days are important, but don't have time? Please support this campaign with your donation! We need €4,000 for printing and material costs, food and use of the room. Short on cash? Spreading the word helps as well!
I want to do something (different)!
Our action days are intended to pool energies - locally and with different activities. At the same time, other options still exist. We* want to support you in becoming active against right-wing extremism in your own way!
You can, for example
- implement one of our 50 action ideas !
- Order posters and stickers
- Download, print, and distribute flyers and materials
- Come to Events and help to mobilize for demonstrations