get active!

In a few steps together against the right

These proposals were written by a group of people, but they rely on YOU and others to get active. Put your heads together, get organised and start according to your resources.

What you alone can do straight away is: Put up posters and distribute stickers..

Order some from us or print them out yourself. Then start putting them up in places where many people can see them. In the cordiors or your house, at work, on the street, in your window, ....

also check our instagram posts here.

Let's get visible!

Better together! We propose 4 small steps to start your own new "against the right"-group:

  1. Find comrades!
    You want to do something against the shift to the right? The first litte step is then to find just 2 or 3 other humans you know that share the same concern! Get together, talk about your fears and idease and unite! We recommend to form a small group of 2 to 6 people for a first formal meeting.
  2. Kick it off!
    Here's how it could start: Do 2 rounds and share with each other: (1) What worries you the most? (2) What could you do starting next week? Think of simple things like: Invite others; distribute flyers in
    in the letterboxes in your house; organise a film screening/discussion; talk to neighbours... You can find more ideas below. Important: do not overtake!
  3. Organise!
    Fixed at the 2nd meeting: How often do you want to meet from now on? What is the maximum size of the group? How many resources do you have over the next few months? Does your group have a name? Also important: Take minutes, chose a moderator for groups of 3+ people. read more on this.
  4. Keep your head!
    Pay attention to individual capacities and needs: perhaps some of you meet and discuss more often, some others focu on implementing things, some have ideas, but less time... If you have 6 or 7 people or more, we suggest, you split into two groups and then invite new people! And if you have lots of ideas, just implement the ones you have enough time and desire for. Then move on to the next one!

Tell others about your small group, e.g. at public events, make your own flyers, talk to neighbours, etc.
Encourages other people to set up their own groups.

Send us an e-mail to with the larger campaigns so that we can promote them together.

Den Leitfaden und Aktionsideen gibt es auch zum selber drucken und verteilen: hier direkt downloaden der schau im Downloadbereich!

We also have 50 inspirations about what you can do today or what you can start with today. Do not overstrain yourself, but rather proceed step by step! Maybe set up several groups with other people if you want to pursue different projects at the same time or have different preferences!

50 Inspirations to Start Today

  1. Talk to five neighbors about their concerns (and maybe also about how they vote)
  2. Poster und Sticker „Wir* gegen rechts“ verteilen & es bekannter machen
  3. Write letters to newspapers (30 minutes can bring a lot)
  4. Redesign election posters
  5. Support critical media, such as Tagebuch, An.schläge, Südwind Magazin, Frauensolidarität, andererseits, Falter, unter Palmen, etc …  
  6. Donations or memberships for emancipatory, critical organizations – or showing solidarity
  7. Leave messages in public spaces (Edding is enough)
  8. Use material from Gscheitwählen and share it
  9. Organize a neighborhood picnic to meet people (and distribute these 50 inspirations)
  10. Organize a workshop/lecture/discussion, e.g. with the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance
  11. Attend or organize an argumentation training against dull slogans:
  12. Showing solidarity with those affected: Many people find it difficult to stand up to racist, anti-Semitic, sexist, classist, and ableist statements. What helps is to approach those affected, ask them how they are doing, and whether there is anything you can do for them.
  13. Book a workshop at or or support their work.
  14. Talk to teachers (of your children or those you know) and ask them to address fascism / authoritarianism / racism / … in school
  15. Print and distribute your own flyers/posters/stickers
  16. Support the work of, get active there, sign petitions
  17. Social media postings e.g. #reclaimticktock or
  18. Talk to relatives and encourage them to vote (if they wouldn't) or not to vote (if the lean towards FPÖ, ÖVP)
  19. Write to organizations you are a member of: union, church, traffic club, sports club, and ask them to take a stand
  20. Send letters/emails to your district council/state governor and express your concern about polarization and extremism
  21. Attend civil society networking events, present your own initiative there or get involved. Examples: or
  22. Write to your favorite podcast or radio station so that they take a stand / address the shift to the right
  23. Report right-wing extremist statements on the internet, e.g. at #GegenHassimNetz, HateAid or Dokustelle
  24. In manchen Städten gibt es z.B. Gruppen/Veranstaltungen wie das „Offene Antifa Treffen“
  25. Share the appeal for donations: so that we can continue our work and offer trainings and print more posters
  26. Use the local neighborhood center or other publicly available spaces (youth centers, senior living facilities) for internal meetings and public events.
  27. Invite contemporary witnesses of the Nazi era for storytelling cafés, lectures, workshops
  28. Develop neighborhood-based solidarity protection of housing for refugees and migrants together with the residents.
  29. Networking with queer people in your (living) environment. Queer people are often ambushed and attacked when they go out. Go out together and look out for each other (queer-straight connections)
  30. Organize argumentation training or self-defense for women wearing headscarves, visibly disabled people or BIPoCs
  31. If you would like: join a left-wing party
  32. Plan a campaign and actions against social cuts 
  33. Copy this list, add to it and distribute it – e.g. in your house, in the park, in the office…
  34. Support and share research/fake checking platforms like Correktiv or Mimikama
  35. Research on FPÖ officials in your region. For MPs:, but also about district officials, state parliament members, etc. There may be interesting facts (closeness to companies, voting behavior, ...)
  36. Support the work of and get involved there
  37. A petition can be submitted to the Austrian Parliament with 500 signatures or more
  38. Attend action trainings, further trainings, workshops, plan small actions
  39. Invent and spread (counter-)narratives. Tips: /the-power-of-story-the-story-of-self-us-and-now
  40. Create a list of corruption cases from the FPÖ/ÖVP and hang it up/distribute it everywhere. Inspiration is here.
  41. Interventions at events
  42. Plan a small campaign, e.g. like this: resource/how-campaigns-are-really-created-4
  43. Create your own website for your group with your own events, workshops and activities, tips for participation, etc. This is easy to do, e.g. WIX, Jimdo, Webflow, WordPress - or just text with a pad:
  44. Write to all schools in your area that the topics of authoritarianism, fascism, racism must be addressed and that workshops (DÖW, ZARA, ...) exist for this purpose
  45. Use “we against the right” stickers to focus on beautifying places in your area – whether bus stops, entrance areas, intersections – preferably concentrated rather than distributed inconspicuously
  46. Connecting solidarity/left/relevant groups & building bridges, from alternative ecos, single parent self-help groups, contemporary witnesses, migrant groups, people with disabilities, neighborhood assistance groups, anti-racism activists, anti-capitalists, human rights groups, peace activists, queers to community gardens and precariously employed people. Organise meetings, making contacts, finding common ground!
  47. Inform yourself and others (!) about your rights, e.g. against the police: Show solidarity and document unlawful and excessive police checks. Support and make the better known
  48. Network with other initiatives in other countries that support, for example, marginalized groups: getting to know each other, support, joint projects, etc.
  49. Share the “What to do” linklist everywhere in networks:
  50. Write a manifesto/position paper and submit it to (large) organizations, NGOs, platforms for signature. Then publish it together/build pressure.

Here you can find helpful resources and tips.

If you have more ideas for this list or need more support for your next action, write to us at info (at)
